• „The Weekly Bus Ticket“ Deutschlandfunk 2006
• „Gestaltungsfreie Zone – Leben in der Brunnenstrasse“ Deutschlandfunk 2009
• „Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl“ Deutschlandradio 2011
• “Die Ziege” Norddeutscher Rundfunk 2012
• “Prinzessin Sarah” Deutschlandradio 2012
• „Tauben fliegen nur nach Hause” Deutschlandradio 2013
• „Nach dem Verschwinden“ Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg 2014
• “Der Traum vom Journalistenleben” Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg 2014
• “Phoenix Arizona Israel” Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg 2014
• “Sonnenglut und Wüstenpferd” Deutschlandradio 2014
• “Der Elch ist schuld” Deutschlandradio 2015
• „Karim und Kater im Zug“ Deutschlandradio 2016
• „Der Blechschuppen“ NDR 2017
• „Blatnýs Kopf oder: Gott der Linguist lehrt uns atmen“ RBB/DLF 2018
• „Kleines Welttheater“ Deutschlandfunk 2018
• „Ehe im Schatten“ RBB 2019
• „Trommeln in der Nacht“ DLF/ RBB 2020
• „Überredung“ HR 2020
• „Hinter dem See“ Regie: Smina Bluth 2011
• „ The FUSION: being Physically Spiritual, Spiritually Physical“ Regie: So Young Yang 2015
• „ Pungjunggak“ Regie und Choreografie Joowon Song 2015
• „How About A Fascination Of Mind“ Regie: Katti Jisuk Seo 2016
No events for this period
* 1979 Berlin, Germany
Berlin based saxophonist Peter Ehwald writes and performs music, along the tangency of Jazz and contemporary music. With his approach to rhythm rooted in the Jazz tradition, he uses unusual instrumentations and modern concepts of harmony to project the “here and now” in his energetic and yet elegiac improvisations.
Peter Ehwald studied Saxophone at the music academies in Weimar and Köln, at the Royal Academy of Music in London and at City College New York. He took lessons with Claudius Valk, Mike Holober, Julian Argüelles, Stan Sulzman and Ian Ballemy. Rewarded with a prestigious DAAD scholarship he studied with John Patitucci, Rich Perry at City College, New York from 2007 to 2009.
Peter has worked with musicians like Tom Rainey, Gunter Hampel, Clarence Penn, Rhani Krija, Dan Weiss, John Betch, Kim Bo Sung, Rudi Mahall, Claudio Puntin, Gunter Hampel, Nils Wogram, John Schröder, Eivind Aarset, Jon Scott, Matthias Schubert, Stefan Schultze, Jonas Burgwinkel, Robert Landfermann.
Since returning to Berlin in 2007 Peter became an active part of the Berlin Jazz Scene. From there he leads various own projects, including the two Double Bass quartet Double Trouble, the Septuor de Grand Matin, well as a trio with pianist Stefan Schultze and New York based drummer Tom Rainey. Peter has a deep interest in music cultures that differ from the western form and Jazz. From 2011-2014 he was the artistic director of the Backyard Jazz Orchestra, a project of Goethe Institut in South Eastern Europe. He writes for and performs regulary with the berlin based Korean percussion Ensemble ~su. Following this involvement he was invited to South Korea as Artist in Residence to Gwanju and Seoul.
Currently he teaches Jazz Saxophone at the Hochschule für Musik „Franz Liszt“ in Weimar and at Hochschule für Musik in Detmold.
Peter's music is released on around thirty CDs, he is an intensely touring musician, who performs with many bands in countries like UK, France, Poland, Spain, Finland, USA, Peru, Costa Rica, South Korea and Mexico.
- London Erasmus-Stipend (2003-04)
- New York DAAD-scholarship (2005-2006 and 2006-2007)
- Composition Stipend of the Berlin City Council 2012
- Artist in Residence in Gwangju/ South Korea (2014)
- Artist in Residence of Goethe Institut in Seoul/ South Korea (2015)
Jazzpodium of LAG Jazz Niedersachsen with Oktoposse (2003), Best International Jazz Group at V Concurso Internacional de Interpretes de Jazz in Granada/Spain (2006), first Prize Winning Jazz Hannover (2003), first Prize New Generation/ Straubing with Oktoposse (2005), Prix du Publique Tremplin Jazz Band Competition/ Avignon (2006), Best Young Jazz Band Award Granada (2005), JazzIn Prize (2006), Best Jazz Performers Award Granada (2006).
CCNY Jazz Festival (New York/USA), Jarasum International Jazz Festival, EFG London Jazzfestival (UK), Leipziger Jazztage, International Jazz Festival Peru (Lima/Peru), International Jazzfestival Granada (Granada/Spain), Blue Note Jazz Festival (Gent/Belgium), Jazz Festival Viersen, Jazz Rallye Düsseldorf, Klaeng Festival Köln, Jazzfestival Peitz...

Adam Olschewski, Jazzpodium 2020 on Double Trouble
„Was der Saxophonist Peter Ehwald mit seiner Band Double Trouble hier anstellt ist von einer ohne jeden Abstrich bemerkenswerten zugänglich natürlich Liedhaftigkeit, von einer Austrahlung, die besagt: wir folgen der von uns gemachten Musik hundertprozentigin diesem Augenblick des Musikmachens, wir folgen tatsächlich, steuern sie nicht."
Martin Laurentius, Jazzthing 2019
„Eloquent phrasierte, stets auch emotional schattierte Girlanden vom Tenor (Ehwald) konterkarieren geradezu den improvisatorischen Flow drumherum und lassen die dynamische Amplitude mal nach oben, mal nach unten ausschlagen. Erfrischend kammermusikalischer Avantgarde-Jazz."
Benno Bartsch, Jazzpodium 2019
„Ehwald geriert sich hier als Eklektiker im besten Sinne, der sich zwischen Pentatonik und 12-Ton-Musik alles nutzbar macht, was im Jazz erdacht wurde oder von aussen in den Jazz eindringen konnte."
John Sharpe, The New York City Jazz Record, 2017 on Schultze Ehwald Rainey
„Schultze and Ehwald both relish exploring the melodic contours of the pieces, which are often reflective, even dreamy, while Rainey’s cymbal color play remains the epitome of sensitivity.“
Stefan Pieper, Jazzzeitung 2017 on Schultze Ehwald Rainey
"Dieses Hörvergnügen ist komplex, unberechenbar, gerne auch tiefschürfend. Aber die Erfahrung, die dahinter steht, hat Vorbildcharakter!“
HIFI Stars, 2017 on Schultze Ehwald Rainey
„Für mich mit die spannendste Jazz-CD des Jahres!“
The Jazzman 2016 – 2015 on Double Trouble
“Double Trouble Live” represents an impressive piece of work from Ehwald and features some strong melodic themes for this unusual trio to get their teeth into. Ehwald is a superb technician, a fluent and often inspired soloist and a consistently interesting composer. He’s a musician who will continue to become an increasingly important figure on the international jazz scene"
John Watson, Jazz Camera – 2015 on Double Trouble
The whole group works excellently together as a dynamic, driving unit, and the nine tracks here are impressively cohesive.
Marcus O’Dair – Jazzwise - 2015 on Double Trouble
The stripped-down setting puts a lot of pressure on the sax, which dominates by necessity; the rhthm section, though, play with gymnastic grace and fluidity, clearly enjoying the absence of piano or guitar or even other horns.
As Leader and Co-leader

Up, Down, Strange, Charm & Bottom
Jazzwerkstatt Berlin 2020

Septuor De Grand Matin
Jazzwerkstatt Berlin 2019

Production Gogeum 2018

Behind Her Eyes
Jazzwerkstatt Berlin 2017

Jazzwerkstatt Berlin 2015

Unit Records 2015

Why Play Jazz 2014

Jellymould 2014

Double Trouble
Jazzwerkstatt Berlin 2013

on tour
SJF Records 2013

Music Chamber 2012

Jazzhausmusik 2011

Quarterlife Crisis
Shakewell 2010

Blues Lee
Konnex 2009

Songs of Trees
33jazz 2008

war das schon immer so?
Tonikum 2008

Konnex 2007

leises lauschen
Tonikum 2006

Never Rent A Flat
Konnex 2006

geht fremd
Jazzhausmusik 2006

Double Moon 2005

Away With Words
Jazzhausmusik 2003
I have also played on some recordings of these beautiful people:
Stefan Schultze www.stefanschultze.com
Anastasios Savvopoulos www.autrecords.com/artists/anastasios-savvopoulos
Diego Pinera www.diegopinerashop.com
Frederik Leroux https://aspenedities.com/artists/4
Christian Kögel https://christiankoegel.net
Christian Krischkowski http://krischkowsky.de/christian-krischkowsky-quartet
Tobias Christl www.tobias-christl.de
Kim Efert www.discogs.com/artist/2457390-Kim-Efert
Matthias Goebel (Kim Efert)
I have also played on some recordings of these beautiful people:
Stefan Schultze
Anastasios Savvopoulos
Diego Pinera
Frederik Leroux
Christian Kögel
Christian Krischkowski
Tobias Christl
Kim Efert
Matthias Goebel (Kim Efert)